Bioware Once Again Teases Its New IP And Gives Expected Release Date

The game could be out in April of 2018.

Bioware has once again talked about the new mystery IP it has been working on for a little while now. While the company still isn’t spilling the beans about just what we can expect in this title, they did finally shed some light on when we can expect it to hit store shelves.

At the same time the company is working on Mass Effect: Andromeda. Because they are spending time on both, the company has said they believe they’ll be able to release the game in April of 2018.

On their official website, the team added: :In 2012, we began crafting a new universe full of new characters, stories, and gameplay. Our ambition is simple: Draw upon 20+ years of development knowledge and lessons to create something fun and new for you to enjoy with your friends.There’s nothing quite as exciting as building a new IP from scratch, and it will be even more thrilling for us to share more with you in the future.”

Thoughts on what this new IP could be? Let us know in the comments below.

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