BioWare’s Anthem Is Actually Due For Release In Fall 2018

Previously reported release date was "a mistake."

EA’s E3 press event yesterday may not have been the most interesting, but a few good things did come out of it. One of this things was BioWare’s new IP Anthem, which was finally officially announced with a short teaser trailer, with more information coming tonight at Microsoft’s presser.

Yesterday, we reported that Anthem was due for Spring 2018 release date. The date was listed on the game’s new, official YouTube channel. However, it now seems like the release date for the game is actually going to be Fall 2018 rather than the Spring release date we reported yesterday.

Both, the game’s YouTube channel and its Twitter have been updated, with the release date information having been changed from Spring 2018 to Fall 2018. The game’s Director of Marketing also took to NeoGAF to confirm that the earlier release date was only written as a mistake on their part.

Anthem is going to receive a full fledged reveal at Microsoft’s E3 press event in just a few hours, and there’s bound to be a lot more info and footage shown for the game. So stay tuned to GamingBolt and we’ll keep updating you as the news comes our way.

Thanks, WCCFTech!

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