Black Myth: Wukong Will Reportedly Run on Unreal Engine 5

A prematurely published IGN link may have spilled the beans on new technical details about the promising-looking upcoming action RPG.

We haven’t really heard a great deal about Black Myth: Wukong since Chinese developer Game Science’s action RPG surprised the masses with its debut showing last year, but it seems like more information on the game is around the corner- which is probably going to entail plenty of technical updates on the experience as well.

A new trailer of the game is seemingly going live soon, but it seems IGN pulled the trigger earlier than they were supposed to, and ended up sharing some of those details. Though the tweet in question has since been pulled down, Wccftech managed to get a screencap of it, which you can take a look at below.

Notably, it seems developer Game Science has switched engines, and Black Myth: Wukong is now being made on Unreal Engine 5. Considering the technical prowess the game showcased in its showings, that doesn’t come as much of a surprise. Meanwhile, the IGN report also mentions that the game will run at 4K and 60 FPS, and also support ray-tracing.

These details haven’t officially been shared by the developer yet, but it seems like it won’t be too long before that happens, so stay tuned for that update.

Black Myth: Wukong currently has no target launch date, while we don’t know what platforms it’s going to launch for either. We got another brief look at the game back in February- check out that trailer through here.

black myth: wukonggame sciencepcps5Xbox Series SXbox Series X