Black Ops 2 Nuketown Zombies map available on PC and PS3


The Nuketown Zombies bonus map for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is now available for all PS3 and PC owners to download. Well, not all. You can download the bonus map if you have a Season Pass for Blops 2.

The Season Pass, which gets you access to four exclusive maps and in-game calling cards, is the only way you get get your hands on the Nuketown Zombies map, so you might want to try and get one.

Nuketown has become a very popular map in the CoD franchise. After it made its debut in 2010’s Black Ops, Black Ops 2 saw a futuristic take on the map called Nuketown 2025, and now the zombies mode for the game has received this seemingly awesome map.

Have a look at this video, it might give you an idea of what to expect:

Stay tuned for more info.

activisionBlack Ops 2Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2pcps3Treyarch