Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Delayed to 2018

Decision made to ensure "game is done right the first time".

Bloodstained Ritual of the NightBloodstained Ritual of the Night

Inti Creates’ Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, a spiritual successor to Koji Igarashi’s Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, has just had its release pushed back significantly. Instead of 2017, the Metroidvania title will now be out in the second half of 2018. Again, that’s an estimate rather than a hard release date.

Igarashi announced the delay in order to hire more developers and further improve on quality. “I apologise for the wait. However, I’d like to emphasise that I made this decision to absolutely guarantee the game is done right the first time.

“The last thing I want to do is keep our backers waiting, but after receiving such incredible support, I feel responsible for delivering the best product I possibly can. Again, I offer my sincerest apologies.”

A playable demo was released for backers who invested $60 and above following E3 2016 and was received rather well. It’s a shame that it will be out in 2018 but them’s the breaks. What are your thoughts on the delay? Let us know below.

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