Borderlands 2: Claptrap Returns in Season 2, ‘The Art of Borderlands 2’ Available For Pre-Order

Claptrap is back!

Gearbox’s web series on Claptrap will be getting a second season where the robot returns. You probably haven’t heard of this and in a way even I didn’t so it is recommended you catch up on the previous season of the show which is quite hilarious to say the least.

The art of Borderlands hardcover book is also available for pre-order and based on the front page it looks pretty damn awesome.

“The Art of Borderlands 2′ offers fans of the games a stunningly visual and in-depth look at the mysterious world of Pandora. This unique and dangerous world has captured the imaginations of millions of gamers, and here you can see it come to life on the page,” reads the description.

You can pre-order it by going here.

We reviewed the game and loved it a lot. Give it a read here.

“It’s Fallout turned up to 11, with far, far better writing, characterising and overall game structure. This is a game truly designed without any pretence or reality, just built with the sole purpose of fun. And guns, so many guns,” reads our Xbox 360 review.

Thanks GT; Multiplayer MTV Blog

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