Borderlands 2 Level Cap Increase Announced for April 2nd, Sixth Playable Character for May

Ultimate Vault Hunter mode announced. Lord deliver us.

Gearbox Software has finally showcased the sixth playable character for Borderlands 2: Krieg, a Psycho Bandit who wields multiple personalities, all demanding the cleaving of opponents.

Touted as a badass melee mauler, Krieg uses Buzz Axe Rampage to destroy foes with close-range attacks. His different skill trees allow him to stack combat bonuses with Bloodlust, keep his action skill revved up with Mania, or just burn anything and everything with Hellborn.

The Psycho Bandit Pack will be available this may for $9.99 or 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live, PSN and Steam. However, that’s not all – on April 2nd, you’ll finally have access to the level cap increase that raises the maximum level from 50 to 61.

Included in the Season Pass, the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack also introduces a new third mode for single-player – Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. This will presumably increase enemy levels as well, and most likely make bosses like Terramorphous the Invincible unbeatable. Once more unto the breach, we suppose.

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