Tiny Tina is in command for Borderlands 2’s new DLC – but not in the way you think. She’s effectively the DM for the board game “Bunkers and Badasses” as she challenges the original cast to a game featuring the sequel’s characters. Still with us?
The first five minutes of the game have been uploaded, and it’s already full of the same classic Borderlands humour that we know and love. Assault on Dragon Keep is essentially like a Dungeons and Dragons-esque fantasy scenario, which means skeletons, dragons and a fair amount of deus ex machina on the part of Tiny Tina.
Luckily, you still keep your guns.
As the final Borderlands 2 DLC in this Season Pass, it’ll be interesting to see what Gearbox Software comes up next. Regardless, it’s an excellent amount of value. Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep will be out on June 25th, 2013 for Borderlands 2 on Xbox 360, PC and PS3.