Borderlands 3 Epic Games Store Exclusivity Causes Older Games In The Series To Get Review Bombed

Some of these reviews are very creative in how they express their frustration, too.

Exclusivity deals with the Epic Games Store are always unpopular, and cause a lot of ill-will and backlash, and that is also the case with Borderlands 3, which will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store for a period of six months upon launch. And a lot of gamers are showing their anger at the game with a tried-and-tested technique—review-bombing.

Reviews on Steam pages for Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel are all exceptionally negative ever since the announcement, with most reviews airing grievances at Borderlands 3 going Epic-exclusive, and some works of art including two middle fingers raised in ASCII (I will obviously not be linking to these). In a sense, it’s a shame that this is happening, because a lot of developers who worked on the game had nothing to do with its Epic exclusivity; with that said, it’s also true that players don’t have any other avenues to express their frustration (and really, Borderlands is a popular series, and it’s not like a Steam rating of “negative” will scare any new buyers away).

Borderlands 3 launches September 13 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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