Bungie Updates 2.1.0 Patch Notes to Explain Destiny Weapon Changes

Turns out some of the originally stated damage changes were "typos".

Patch 2.1.0 for Bungie’s Destiny arrived this past Tuesday and issues are already becoming apparent. Besides the litany of bugs like the SRL Record Book exploit, players are reporting that auto rifles didn’t get the buff they were promised – for instance, guns like Zhalo Supercell were promised a 3 percent increase in base damage. Pulse rifle damage changes also seem quite erratic though many still find guns like the SUROS PDX-45 and Nirwen’s Mercy to still be strong in Crucible.

According to senior gameplay designer Jon Weisnewski on Twitter, there were typos in the original patch notes. “Notes for 2.1.0 have been revised with correct damage values for Auto/Pulse rifles.”

As it turns out, the damage increases for auto rifles were off by a decimal point. That 3 percent damage increase for Zhalo? It was actually meant to be 0.3 percent. Yes, seriously. Also, it seems that pulse rifles have seen significant damage reductions despite their values also being adjusted by a decimal point.

Weisnewski further said that, “It was a typo in the patch notes. the changes to the game were intended.” Many are now calling Bungie out for incorrectly implementing the weapon changes and trying to save face by essentially retconning its patch notes.

What are your thoughts on the whole matter? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more updates.

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