Bungie’s Destiny Didn’t Cost $500 Million to Develop, Figure Related to 10-Year Plan

COO Pete Parsons clears up misconceptions related to the earlier bandied $500 million figure.

Bungie’s Destiny is a big game but is it $500 million big? This was a number bandied about by Activision not too long ago but according Bungie COO Pete Parsons in conversation with Games Industry International, it doesn’t solely cover the cost of development. Also, it seems to be a figure that represents a long-term investment in the franchise, much like Bungie’s 10 year plan for the same.

As Parsons stated, “For marketing you’d have to ask Activision people, but for development costs, not anything close to $500 million. I think that speaks a lot more to the long-term investment that we’re making in the future of the product.”

Is Bungie comfortable getting involved with a project for 10 years as Activision seems interested in? “Well, that’s our plan, actually. We came to Activision with the 10-year plan. That was completely us. It’s a part of being an independent company,” according to Parsons.

Destiny will be out on September 9th for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4.

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