HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos makes for some excellent cosmic horror, but it hasn’t translated too well into games (aside from Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth). Cyanide Studio’s Call of Cthulhu holds immense promise though, offering a world of macabre and cultists with the Great Ones threatening to overtake our hero’s sanity. Check out its latest trailer below.
Thanks to the trailer, we’ve learned a bit about the protagonist, investigator Edward Pierce’s skills. Spot Hidden and Investigation skills let players discover more clues and offer better conclusions, leading to more dialogue topics. Eloquence and Psychology are good for getting suspects to trust Pierce. The Strength skill can either be used for fighting or intimidating people, while Medicine and Occultism will provide more insight from books and artefacts.
One interesting twist is that as Pierce is exposed to horrific circumstances, his grip on reality will start to falter, hindering his investigative ability in the process. Call of Cthulhu looks to be nailing the aesthetic of Lovecraft’s work, but can its gameplay succeed as well? We’ll find out when it releases on October 30th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.