Call of Duty 2021 – Sledgehammer Games Confirmed to be Leading Development

The developer is "excited" and "can't wait to share more."

Rumors have been circulating for a while now but it’s finally confirmed: Sledgehammer Games is the lead developer for the next Call of Duty. Over on Twitter, it stated that it was “excited to be leading the charge” and “can’t wait to share more.” Whether that means a reveal is coming sooner or later remains to be seen.

However, if reports till now have been true, then Call of Duty could be returning to World War 2. Titled Call of Duty: WW2 Vanguard, it was initially rumored to be an alternate timeline where the war didn’t end. However, later reports noted that it had a “traditional” World War 2 setting. It’s also apparently developed on the IW8 engine which was used for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019).

As such, the gameplay should be a few leaps and bounds above Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, especially in the multiplayer department. Call of Duty 2021 is expected to release this Fall and will likely be coming to Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC along with Xbox One and PS4. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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