Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Double XP Weekend Begins Today, Promotion Offer Detailed

What are you waiting for?

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare players have been receiving emails that are giving them details regarding a new Call of Duty Advanced Warfare promotion that, whilst only applicable to participating stores, shows some big prices cuts as well as a number of in- game bonuses.

Those who received the email will get up to $20 off the usual retail price of Advanced Warfare Best Buy, EB Games (GameStop), Future Shop, and Walmart. You will also receive 5 free supply drops and a full 10 hours of double XP that kicks in once you start up your first online multiplayer match. The promotional digital flier says that the promotion and presumably the double XP event will end on December 31st.

For those that didn’t receive a promotional email, this weekend is a double XP event for all players regardless of platform. With Time Zones being as conflicting as they are, there’s no way of knowing exactly when this will begin in your region.


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