Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Eclipse Trailer Features Sick Plays

Seriously, who can actually pull off these moves?

Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will have its second map pack DLC release on April 19th with Eclipse. Like Awakening, Eclipse features four new multiplayer maps and a new Zombies map to continue the storyline. However, the focus of the latest trailer is on the maps and the various sick plays that are pulled off. Check them out below.

The new maps include Verge, a trial compound on the wrong side of the apocalypse; Knockout, taking place in an old-school Shaolin Temple; Spire, a futuristic airport in sub-orbital space; and Rift, which compromises of a rail system near a volcano.

Eclipse will be releasing first for PlayStation 4 on April 19th at $15. It will be available for Xbox One and PC one month later due to a one month exclusivity agreement that Activision has with Sony. No word yet on whether it will be heading to PS3 like Awakening but stay tuned for more updates.

activisionCall of Duty: Black Ops 3DLCEclipsepcps4TreyarchXbox One