Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Video Previews DLC Map “Splash”

A water park? A water park.

Treyarch has been busy looking at each individual map for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3‘s first DLC pack Awakening. The newest one is Splash, a map set in an abandoned water park and whose cheery demeanour hides plenty of deadliness. Check it out below.

Splash features water slides, a river ride and a pirate ship but also opens up the possibility for underwater shooting (which Black Ops 3 is fairly good at, by the way). Other maps in the Awakening DLC include Skyjacked (a remake of Black Ops 2‘s Hijacked), Rise and Gauntlet. It will also include the first episode of a new Zombies story called Der Eisendrache, which continues the story told in The Giant.

PlayStation 4 players can expect to get their hands on Awakening on February 2nd. PC and Xbox One players will need to wait a month but Xbox 360 and PS3 players unfortunately won’t be getting their hands on the DLC. What are your thoughts on the new map? Let us know below.

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