Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombie Mode: Are Alex Mason and Edward Richtoften Set To Return?

Leaked information or false information?

While you’re unlikely to find anything official confirming this, Alex Mason and Edward Richtoften are thought to be returning to the much loved and somewhat revered Zombies Mode in Call of Duty Black Ops 3. The original “leaked” information, which I must strain hasn’t been confirmed as legitimate, was initially hosted by and has since been taken down. Thus lending some legitimacy to the information.

It’s alleged that a casting commercial to find actors that could play the returning Mason and Mad Scientist Richoften was leaked, the implication being that we can expect to see another live action trailer for Call of Duty Black Ops 3, much in the same way we saw one for Black Ops 2.

Until this has been confirmed, or more news follows up on the matter, remain skeptical. With fake trailers for Zombies mode and false information always appearing in the wake of Call of Duty announcements, you should always wait for the official line.

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