Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Dev Praises Battlefield 1 Trailer

Studio praises visuals and the tease of "interesting mechanics".

Even though DICE pretty much tore into the initial reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (despite retracting those comments later), Infinity Ward actually praised the in-engine reveal trailer for Battlefield 1.

On Facebook, the developer said, “It’s a great reveal trailer. Kudos to the DICE team.”

Meanwhile on Twitter, director of communications Eric Monacelli said, “Congrats to the @EA_DICE team on the reveal. Great song choice, looks superb with interesting mechanics teased. #BattlefieldWorldPremiere.”

Of course, when it comes to fan feedback, the majority vote is clear – Battlefield 1‘s trailer received more than 1 million likes on YouTube while Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has more than 1.2 million dislikes. A lot of the negativity surrounding the later is over the lack of a separate release for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered, though many have expressed frustration over another futuristic Call of Duty.

Battlefield 1 is out on October 21st while Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare releases on November 4th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Which one are you currently rooting for? Let us know in the comments.

battlefield 1Call of Duty: Infinite WarfareDICEInfinity Wardpcps4Xbox One