Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – High Moon Studios Assisting in Development

This will be the studio's first Call of Duty title since Modern Warfare Remastered in 2016.

Infinity Ward will have some help working on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Publisher Activision revealed in a recent press release that High Moon Studios would be assisting as well. It’s not big revelation – other studios involved include Beenox, which is handling the PC version (with an FOV slider and widescreen support confirmed) and Raven Software.

High Moon Studios’ last title in the franchise with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, which also had Raven Software involved. Since then, the developer has been assisting Bungie with Destiny 2 DLC like Warmind and Forsaken. Many will also remember the studio for its Transformers titles, namely Transformers: War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare recently received its first multiplayer trailer, which you can check out here. Infinity Ward has also talked about modes like 20v20 Domination and the potential for over 100 players on the larger maps. There will be beta next month with pre-orders receiving early access. Stay tuned for more details – we’ve still a ways to go before the game launches on October 25th.

activisioncall of duty: modern warfareHigh Moon StudiosInfinity Wardpcps4Raven SoftwareXbox One