Call of Duty: WW2 Headquarters Finally Accommodates 48 Players

Reports are coming in about players loading in to full instances of Headquarters.

Sledgehammer Games’ Call of Duty: WW2 was a rousing success with over $500 million in sales within the first three days of launch. However, it also faced a number of connection issues and bugs, the former so severe that Sledgehammer had to take its dedicated servers offline and temporarily shift to peer-to-peer to fix them.

Such issues have been fixed but one of the bigger concerns from the very beginning was Headquarters. The social space wasn’t exactly accommodating 48 players as promised (and the whole “open Supply Drops on Normandy beach where hundreds died” didn’t help either) and actually became quite limited at a point. Certain services like Orders, Collections and Mail became unresponsive, which meant players couldn’t even open their crates.

Fortunately, it appears that Headquarters has been appropriately fixed with Charlie Intel tweeting about entering a full 48 player space. So bravo. Something finally works the way it should with Call of Duty: WW2. What are your thoughts on the improvement to Headquarters? Let us know below.

activisionCall of Duty: WW2pcps4sledgehammer gamesXbox One