Call of Duty: WW2 Microtransactions Going Live on November 21st

Thank the heavens that microtransactions are finally, FINALLY coming to COD.

Call of Duty: WW2′s microtransactions aka Call of Duty Points will be going live on November 21st. Though it hasn’t been explicitly detailed what the Call of Duty Points can be used for in Call of Duty: WW2, it will likely allow players to purchase Supply Drops for multiplayer and Zombies mode.

The only reason Call of Duty Points didn’t launch with the full game was in order to sort out the myriad of launch issues being faced. Thus far players have complained about disconnects, de-ranked and whatnot thanks to poor servers. A new patch has been released by Sledgehammer Games for PC and promises made to address complaints with some radical changes.

As for Call of Duty Points, anyone who purchase the Digital Edition will be able to use the 1,100 Points received on November 21st itself. Those who want to buy some will likely have to do so through the in-game Store tab. That’s the same menu where you purchase the Season Pass.

activisionCall of Duty: WW2pcps4sledgehammer gamesXbox One