Celeste’s Initial Sales Are “Going Very Well,” Says Developer

Indie platformer from the team behind TowerFall: Ascension is making waves.

If you haven’t heard, Matt Makes Games of TowerFall: Ascension fame has a brand new game out. It’s an action platformer called Celeste that focused on Madeline and her quest to scale Celeste Mountain. There are numerous platforming challenges, an excellent pixel aesthetic and a very good story to it all as well. Thankfully along with critical praise, Celeste is also doing decently with its initial sales.

In a recent Reddit AMA, co-creator and programmer Noel Berry stated that with regards to initial sales, “They’re going very well for us, we’re really happy how many people seem to be interested & excited about the game.” Sales numbers by platform are not available just yet though. “We don’t have specific numbers back across all platforms yet, though.”

So if Celeste has performed better on the PC or Nintendo Switch compared to the Xbox One and PS4, it will be some time before we actually find out. Given the boom that indies are witnessing on the Nintendo Switch and how highly Celeste has been rated, sales for the platform should be interesting. To learn more about Celeste, head over to its Steam page here or check out speedrun for the game here.

CelesteMatt Makes Games Inc.nintendo switchpcps4Xbox One