Check out 50 minutes of awesome Remember Me gameplay

50 minutes if insane gameplay footage.

Remember Me is not a sequel nor does it have a Call of Duty’esque feel about it. And still it has a different feel and vibe about it. It’s one of those new IPs that is taking a market risk of launching right before the advent of next generation consoles.

And if the 50 minute gameplay footage is anything to go by, then DONTNOD and Capcom are surely taking the steps in the right direction.

HardcoreGamer have released 5 brand new gameplay videos from Remember Me that shows 50 minutes of gameplay footage.

Check out the videos below:

The videos above surely look exciting. But will the full game live up to the expectations and hype? That remains to be seen.

Remember Me is due this June for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. For our continued coverage on Remember Me, make sure to check out hub page over here.

Let us know what you think about the trailers in the comments section below.

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