Counter-Strike 2 – CS:GO Idling Won’t Increase Limited Test Entry Chances

A person's playtime before the limited test for the recently announced tactical shooter is what counts, per Valve Software.

Following its official announcement, Counter-Strike 2′s limited test began last week. Only a select few players were invited, but Valve will expand the pool in the coming months as it gets closer to launch. Those invited will see the invitation pop up in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

However, if you’re hoping to get into the limited test, hanging around in the first game and doing nothing isn’t helping. Valve clarified this on Twitter: “Idling on official matchmaking servers in CS: GO does not increase your chances of making it into the CS2 Limited Test.” Your playtime before the limited test’s introduction is ultimately what counts.

You have to wonder if this is one factor contributing to the over 1.5 million peak concurrent players recently. As for the current limited test, only two modes – Unranked Competitive and Deathmatch – are available on one map – Dust2. There will be more modes, features and maps in later releases.

Counter-Strike 2 is out this Summer for PC. It’s a free upgrade to the current game with a player’s inventory carrying over. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

counter-strike 2Counter-Strike: Global OffensivepcValve