Crytek: Crysis 2 “much better than Crysis”

Crytek’s Cevat Yerli has defended the PC version of Crysis 2, cementing the notion that it will feel very much like a PC title. He has also stated how the increased production values of Crysis 2 will ensure that “PC gamers will get a better game.”

Yerli has stated that Crysis 2 won’t suffer any cross platform degradations and stated that “when we released Crysis, back then people didn’t judge it for [it’s textures]. I’m frustrated about this. We said it was a game that was pushing boundaries, which would stay relevant in the future, and all we got was a backlash: ‘This game doesn’t run!’ Then games came out for the same hardware that weren’t running at all, or were choppy and whatnot despite low-res graphics. Yet we were the bad guys for pushing PC graphics, making it too expensive to play. Whatever we do seems to be wrong.”

“Anyway, will Crysis 2 have hi-res textures; will it get blurry? Crysis 2 will have a PC version that’s a PC game. We’re going to push it as much as the engine can take. It’ll be at least as beautiful as Crysis, but the context is different. It’s New York. Not a jungle, but an urban jungle. You have to understand that the budget for Crysis was much lower than for Crysis 2. We could spend much more on Crysis 2 because we expected to sell more through multiplatform development. So PC gamers will get a better game out of that; it isn’t just take, it’s also give. The gameplay has received much more research about accessibility, streamlining and making it more fun, but also making it deeper. So every angle is improved. The amount of diligence and production volume we’ve spent makes it so much better than Crysis.”

“In my opinion – it’s superior from every angle. But this isn’t necessarily a game you can’t play today, or where you need another two years to max it out. That’s not the approach this time. Now, it’s more like we want to give you the best PC experience with current high-end equipment. So if you bought the last high-end graphics card, you’re going to get a blast out of it. Likewise, the minimum-spec experience will be of a far higher quality than Crysis was.”

Strong words that will help build anticipation for Crysis 2 when it launches on March 22nd and 25th in the US ad UK respectively for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

Thanks to VG247 for the info.

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