Crytek still working on Ryse, “extremely committed to the relationship”

After a pretty impressive debut during last year’s E3, Crytek and Microsoft both pretty much went tightlipped about anything related to the Kinect-only Ryse, the only good game that seems to be coming out for the motion sensing periphery.

However, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer wants to assure everyone that the game is still in development, Crytek is still developing it, and that it will come out soon. They haven’t shown anything more of the game simply because it’s not ready enough to show yet.

“We’re still working with Crytek, we’re still extremely committed to the relationship, but we want to make sure that we’re putting our best foot forward every time we show the game,” he said while speaking to Joystiq. “You’ll see more about that game, no doubt.”

When he was asked if the game will still be focussed on Kinect, Spencer said: “Kinect will be part of the game, absolutely.”

Stay tuned, we will keep you updated.

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