CyberPunk 2077 Needs To Be ‘Better, Bigger, And More Revolutionary Than Originally Intended,’ Says CD Projekt RED

The Witcher 3 changed everything.

The lack of any information on CyberPunk 2077 can honestly get exasperating and frustrating for fans looking forward to the game- but CD Projekt RED’s President Adam Kiciński and Studio Head Adam Badowski say that there is good reason for the media blackout.

Speaking at their financial briefing (transcribed by DualShockers), Badowski explained that The Witcher 3‘s success has raised the bar for the studio, and their next game needs to live up to that by being even better, bigger,and more revolutionary than CD Projekt RED originally intended. This means that they have a lot of work to do on the game still.

That said, CyberPunk will be a huge game, with a far greater magnitude than The Witcher– and CD PRojekt RED have high hopes from it. The studio also confirmed that it is not as concerned with shortening its historically long development cycles for its AAA games, since it is more concerned with meeting its own standards of quality.

Which… is not something I can begrudge them for, honestly.

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