Cyberpunk 2077 Will “Look Great” on PS4 and Xbox One, Dev Team Doing Its Best to Optimize it for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X

The development team will endeavor to get the game looking great on all platforms.

CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 now has the attention of the world- and why shouldn’t it? It’s the next ambitious game from the same studio that brought us the excellent The Witcher 3, and its showing behind closed doors at E3 was really quite excellent. However, questions regarding the game abound by a fair few players- some of which the development team attempted to answer.

Speaking to, CD Projekt Red’s CEO Marcin Iwiński promised that the game will look great on PS4 and Xbox One, even though it is running on what he called the “next generation” of CD Projekt’s proprietary engine and technology. He also promised that the developers would try to maximize the game for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, too.

“It’s running on a high-spec PC,” he told “It’s the next generation of our own proprietary engine – and speaking frankly, we’re still working on the rendering so I hope we can get more [out of it]. The current gen consoles are really powerful, especially talking about Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. We’ll do our best to maximize for those, but it’s too early to say exactly what we can achieve – and the PC version will always be above that, because it’s constantly upgraded and improved in terms of the hardware we can gain access to. But it should look great on current consoles.”

Alright, that’s good to hear- and in a way, it hints at the same thing that people have suspected for a while now, which is that the game may not necessarily hit just the current generation machines. It might end up being cross gen, and hit their successors, too. If that happens, I daresay that its true beauty would com out best on those new consoles- apart from on the PC, of course.

CD Projekt REDCyberpunk 2077pcps4ps4 proXbox Onexbox one x