Cyberpunk 2077’s Districts Have Their Own Distinct Visual Style

The game doesn't want everything to look the same.

A lot of time and effort goes into making games, especially games that have the scope of Cyberpunk 2077. While it may not be as big overall as the company’s previous game, The Witcher 3, it’s still one with a lot going on. It’s also easy for futuristic titles to fall into a rather uniform style, but CD Projekt RED is seemingly not going to fall into that trap as the game’s districts will all be distinct.

Marthe Jonkers, Senior Concept Artist at the company, talked with VG24/7 about the game’s six districts that Night City will be divided into. They all have their own visual style as to not make the future look too dull and bland, and to give players a good sense of where they are at all times. Things like fashion, building style and NPC personalities define these districts.

“They’re roughly similar [in size],”  Jonkers, said about the six districts of Night City, “but really different in style so you’ll always recognise where you are the game. For instance in The Witcher you had these different areas, like Skellige was really Scandinavia, and we wanted to do the same thing here because the city would get boring very quickly if you only had the same sort of buildings.

“Every district has its own personality. Because we have this immense amount of lore and background from Mike Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk 2020 – and he’s this walking encyclopedia of information about the Cyberpunk lore – we could really use that to create these districts as a base.”

Cyberpunk 2077 will release on April 16th 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Look out at the end of the month for the Gamescom 2019 demo to release to the public, as well as for when the game will be shown at this year’s Tokyo Game Show.

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