Days Gone – All Skills Explained And Detailed In New Video

Sony's upcoming open world action adventure offers plenty of variety as far as unlockable skills are concerned.

Days Gone might have a huge focus on its narrative, but that doesn’t mean it’s skimping on anything in its gameplay department. Developers SIE Bend Studio have clearly put in lot of effort to allow players a multitude of options across several aspects of the playing experience- and that includes how many skills it will offers to players as well.

Through a recent video by YouTuber JorRaptor, which you can view below, all of the unlockable skills in Days Gone have been revealed. These includes the likes of Focused Shot – which allows players to slow down time and shoot weapons with more accuracy, which we’ve already seen of a little bit in gameplay videos so far – and an ability that allows you to stun weaker enemies by hitting them with rocks, as well as one that increases the range of your Survival Vision (which is Days Gone speak for Detective Vision or Witcher Sense).

Skills will be divided across three categories- melee, ranged, and survival, which should allow you to focus more on expanding upon skills that suit more to your playstyle. There’s fifteen skills to unlock in each category, which means there’s going to be plenty of options available. Many skills, of course, will only be available to unlock once you’ve unlocked specific other skills- which seems pretty much par for the course.

Take a look below for a deeper dive. Days Gone launches on April 26 for the PS4. Head on over here to get more details on its weapons and melee combat.

days goneps4SIE Bend Studiosony