DayZ Will Still Come To PS4 Too- But The Xbox One Launch Comes First

The question is- does anyone still care?

We reported recently how Bohemia Interactive are still committed to releasing their long in the making, once a popular multiplayer game and now yesterday’s news DayZ on Xbox One, alongside its final release on PC next year.

However, that news caused a certain portion of the gaming population to get agitated- specifically PS4 fans, because the game was also announced for Sony’s console, something that it didn’t even acknowledge. However, don’t worry! DayZ will in fact be coming to the PS4 too, Bohemia has confirmed- ti will just be coming to the Xbox One first.

“In short, yes, we’re still going to release DayZ for PS4,” a representative told GameSpot. “It’s mostly that we have the ability to do the Game Preview program with Xbox that has us choosing this platform for the first console release, and the partnership with Microsoft has been very productive so far. We’re still excited to have DayZ in the hands of PS4 players, it’ll just happen a bit later than the Xbox release.”

A bit later may be a lot later, because Bohemia said on Twitter it can’t even commit to a 2018 release for now- but hey, you all waited, what, six years for this thing to come out? What’s another year or so on top of that, eh?

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