Dead Rising 3 Announced and Exclusive for Xbox One, Massive Zombie Killing Abounds

Summon an airstrike with SmartGlass.

As if the exclusives count couldn’t get any higher, Capcom’s Dead Rising 3 was showcased at Microsoft’s E3 conference today. The game takes place Los Perdidos, California, which is apparently a wasteland now with scores of the undead and ruined environments.

Unlike other games, you’ll be playing as a new protagonist Nick and you won’t have a workbench. You can craft weapons from the environment, with raw materials needing to be scavenged first. But the results are truly impressive, as can be seen with the Sledge-saw, a combination of the sledgehammer and chainsaw.

Movement in the game looks far better than the other titles, as Nick can easily leap on to objects with little problem. You can also take command of vehicles to run over the undead.

And to make things even better, players can use SmartGlass to summon an airstrike on zombies, which rips apart the entire horde of zombies.

Seriously, did we wander into the wrong press conference?

Update: Screenshots added.

capcomDead Rising 3e3 2013MicrosoftXbox One