Dead Rising 4 Brings Back Photojournalism, Still The “Fun Zombie Game”

Capcom promises to combine the new and old of the series for fun results.

Capcom’s Dead Rising 4 is one of the bigger Xbox One and Windows 10 titles this year with Frank West returning as the protagonist for the first time since Dead Rising (if you don’t count the Dead Rising 2 DLC Off The Record).

To that end, Capcom is hoping to combine the series’ initial horror elements with recent new mechanics. Speaking to GameSpot at SDCC, executive producer Bryce Cochrane said, “We’re trying to merge everything together right now. It’s still fast-paced, but it’s a bit more measured [than Dead Rising 3]. We went way deeper with explorable areas, and dug down into a sewer system beneath the city of Willamette.”

The return to Colorado also brings the return of some familiar elements from the first game. “We brought back the investigation and photojournalism of Dead Rising 1, and that’s what’s going to progress you through the game. It’s all about learning the story of Willamette. You have these choices: ‘Do I want to go with the mission? Do I want to go with side content? Or do I want to go with fun?'”

There’s still plenty of mayhem to be had, particularly with the addition of exosuits that allow for a bevy of new options. Frank can equip rocket launchers, mini-guns and even a Slurpee machine to himself to unleash tornadoes of icy goodness on zombies.

“We’re still the fun zombie game. We don’t take ourselves seriously. That’s not going to change with Dead Rising 4. There will just be more avenues for you to take if you want to vary the experience.”

Dead Rising 4 will be releasing on December 6th for Xbox One and Windows 10. It will be a timed exclusive for one year though after which it presumably heads to PS4.

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