Deadpool Playable at Upcoming MCM London Comic Con

This will be the first public playtest of the game in the world.

Activision has announced that attendees to the MCM London Comic Con this weekend will be able to partake in an exclusive worldwide first time playtest of High Moon Studios’ Deadpool, starring Marvel Comics’ famed “Merc with the Mouth” in a third person action adventure with guns, violence and plenty of metaphysical ramblings.

Attendees who play the game will also receive a free, exclusive Deadpool poster from a Marvel artist. Those who pre-order from GAME will also receive an exclusive t-shirt, and at 2 PM on Saturday, you’ll be able to capture a Deadpool mask as well (though only a 1000 will be available so be quickish about it).

There will also be chances to pose against Deadpool emblazoned walls for pictures and chances to win a free copy of the game if you tweet said picture with #DeadpoolGame.

Deadpool is currently slated to release on June 25th in North America and June 28th in Europe for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

activisionDeadPoolHigh Moon StudiosMCM London Comic Conpcps3xbox 360