Death Stranding Reviews Go Live On November 1st

Mark your calendars.

We’ve all been anticipating the return of Kojima into the gaming stratosphere with his next game, Death Stranding, for over three years now, but that wait is almost over. Early in November, the open world title will finally launch, and is undoubtedly one of Sony’s biggest releases this generation. A full week before the game launches though, reviews will have gone live.

Yes, we can confirm that the Death Stranding review embargo lifts on November 1st, at 12:01 AM PDT. Other than confirming that we’ve received a review code and that we’ve been playing the game, there’s not much else we can say yet, so make sure to check back on November 1 after the embargo has lifted to read our full review.

Meanwhile, as for when the game itself launches- Death Stranding is out on November 8 for the PS4. A global launch event for the game will also kick off at the end of the month. Meanwhile, launch trailer for the game is also in the pipeline, so stay tuned for that.

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