Destiny 2 PC Hotfix Due Today, Addresses Stuttering Issues

Players facing frame stuttering issues due to the last hotfix are due for a fix today.

Bungie’s Destiny 2 received a new update some time ago to adjust issues like the Bureaucratic Walk emote allowing players to glitch through surroundings. It also adjusted the score limits for modes like Supremacy and Clash. However, PC users began reporting several stuttering issues with the game which made playing PvE irritating and PvP a downright chore.

After gathering feedback, Bungie has announced that it will deploy hotfix on November 6th to address the “hitching” issues. No time was offered for the hotfix but could expect it at Bungie’s usual 10 AM PST deployment time.

Feedback is starting to come in from PC players who have had ample time with the game’s story and despite positive reports about the music and graphics, the lack of end-game is still an issue. That’s not counting the lack of choice in the Crucible, bugs in the Leviathan raid and much more. The Curse of Osiris DLC will be out in December along with a new season of content (which includes the return of The Dawning) so stay tuned for more updates.

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