Destiny House of Wolves Weapons Dropping Early in Salvage

Play the Crucible mode for a chance at new weapons.

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Destiny’s next expansion House of Wolves will be out tonight (yes, we can’t wait either) at 10 AM PST worldwide. However, if you want to get your hands on the new Crucible weapons immediately, then you should hop into Destiny’s 3 vs. 3 Salvage mode.

Many players have reported receiving Passage Coins for the Trials of Osiris, Motes of Light and other rewards for playing Salvage. Most interestingly, they’ve also reported new weapons which you can check out below.

These include the Party Crasher +1, a shotgun with high impact and stability; Ill Will, a handcannon with terrible reload and stability but insane range and impact; and The Revelator, which reveals some of the new perks to expect with House of Wolves weapons, including melee kills having a chance to refill one’s magazine. Each weapon can be re-rolled with new perks of course.

What are your thoughts on the new weapons for House of Wolves? Let us know in the comments below.

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