Destiny Iron Banner, Crucible Drops Affected by “Nasty Bug”

Bungie is investigating the issue and promises generally "more rewarding" Crucible drops.

Destiny’s Iron Banner, a week long PvP event where Light level matters, concluded this past Tuesday but players were more than a little annoyed by the rewards. Many reported receiving very few drops in matches, especially when hitting rank 5. This wouldn’t have been such a big issue if Bungie itself hadn’t said that matches would be players’ main source of drops in the Iron Banner this time around.

Thankfully, the developer revealed that the lack of drops wasn’t intentional. According to design lead Lars Bakken in the latest Weekly Update, “Last week, it was clear to us that you were frustrated by the Iron Banner reward drops, and rightly so. It turns out that, when we started digging into the issue, we uncovered a nasty bug that affected how Legendary drops happen throughout the Crucible, including Iron Banner.”

Right now, Bungie is working to resolve the issue before the next Iron Banner but it’s also working on making the Crucible as a whole more rewarding. You can also look forward to a shorter Crucible questline for Lord Shaxx (taking into account completed matches for certain steps instead of wins) and easier ways to complete the annoying Daily and Weekly Crucible bounties in update 2.0.2 this November.

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