Destiny King’s Fall Hard Mode Cleared in One Hour, Seventeen Minutes

Step your game up, Bungie.

Yesterday night, Bungie dropped the Hard mode version for King’s Fall, the raid in Destiny: The Taken King. Despite the high Light level requirements (you need to be at least 308 Light to clear the first few sections), it’s been cleared fairly quickly thanks to Clan Forever LivE.

As noted by Bungie on Twitter, “It’s official! Clan Forever LivE is the first team to complete King’s Fall Hard Mode! Congratulations!!!”

The clan’s completion time was reportedly one hour and seventeen minutes, which is abnormally quick when you consider how long the raid is and the new mechanics that were implemented. Nonetheless, it says a lot about the clan’s skill when it managed to claim the title of “World’s First” ahead of more well-known teams.

What are your thoughts on King’s Fall Hard mode? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll keep you updated on some of the cooler things to pop up as a result.

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