Destiny Receiving Crucible Matchmaking Hotfix on March 8th

Damage Referee is now coming to all PvP playlists.

In its endeavour to improve matchmaking in Destiny’s Crucible, Bungie has announced in its weekly update that it will be releasing a hot fix on March 8th to add new matchmaking settings and Damage Referee to all PvP playlists.

As per senior designer Derek Carroll, “If you’ve played Control or Iron Banner in the past week or so, you’ve sampled the newest search criteria. Our goal for matchmaking continues to be fostering a competitive ecosystem that works for everyone. First and foremost, that means we attempt to find matches with the lowest latency (read: lag) possible.

“As a secondary concern, we want to insulate players at each extreme of the skill curve from each other. That said, we do not prioritize skill over latency under any circumstances. The newest settings are more aggressive about keeping latency low than we’ve ever had in Destiny. Regardless of the playlist you prefer, you should be seeing high-quality matches.”

It should be interesting to note, especially since players continued experiencing oodles of lag during Iron Banner week.

Apparently, these changes don’t “set anything in stone” according to community manager David “DeeJ” Dague and the hotfix will in fact “give our team better tools to deploy changes like this in the future.”

What are your thoughts on all this? Let us know in the comments.

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