Destiny: Microstransaction Items Doing Well On PSN, Bungie Banning Crucible Cheaters

Silver in the game is among the top PSN add-ons purchased.

It’s been a few weeks now since Destiny: The Taken King brought new emotes that could actually be purchased using real money to get in-game currency. According to the company, things have been going extremely well since it launched. In fact, according to a Reddit user the silver that is used to handle the microtransactions are among the top PSN addons.

That’s quite interesting considering that most people completely dismissed these microtransactions as being little goofy, since it was asking people to pay for the ability to have more dances. Bungie have also announced that it was going to be taking a harder line against people it had dubbed as “cheaters.” On the company’s official Twitter account they announced they weren’t going to be taking prisoners when it comes to cheaters.

“The Bungie Security Response Team is on the prowl, issuing multi-month Trials bans to cheaters in the Crucible. Play nice!” It looks  like Bungie is going to try its best to make sure everyone is indeed playing nice at least for a while.

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