Bungie released update 2.1.0 for Destiny yesterday and as is usually the case with massive patches like this, it came with its fair share of problems. Many users reported auto rifles not receiving a damage increase while others had issues with Exotic Leg engrams decrypting into nothing.
However, the biggest issues has been discovered in the Sparrow Racing League. If you purchase the SRL Record Book for 1000 Silver ($10 through micro-transactions), you gain the ability to complete a bunch of different challenges and earn cosmetic items as rewards. However, those who complete enough of these challenges without buying the Record Book can just go to the Eververse Kiosk, inspect it and collect the rewards anyway. No need to spend Silver…which understandably has those who did spend Silver quite angry.
Bungie is already on the case though – it stated on Twitter that, “We’re investigating a bug with the SRL Record Book, with the intention of fixing it. Please stand by.” As for other patch 2.1.0 issues, we’ll have to wait for more information or future hot fixes.