Destiny the Fragrance Revealed by Microsoft

Aka a rare example of clever marketing.

Microsoft has just announced Destiny, “the New Fragrance by Xbox”. Read that back again. Now, in case you think the world’s gone insane – or that this is a legitimate product – then don’t worry. It’s not.

What it is an attempt by Microsoft to bypass an agreement between Sony and Activision to exclusively market Destiny, Bungie’s upcoming online shooter, in the UK for the PS3 and PS4. This means Microsoft can’t advertise that Destiny will also be on Xbox One and Xbox 360.

As the fragrance’s official website says, “Okay, so here’s the lowdown. Destiny is actually an epic new first-person shooter, available on Xbox. Thing is, we didn’t have permission to run adverts for the game. So we didn’t.” This is followed by an “Order Now” tab for various console bundles with Destiny in the UK.

And thus Microsoft found a way to get around Sony’s little restriction and not look completely idiotic in doing so. Destiny (the game, not the fragrance) will be out on September 9th worldwide for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4.

activisionBungieDestinyps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One