Destiny The Taken King’s Oryx Beaten by Four Man Team on Hard

The Legend Himself strikes yet again.

This should surprise no one. Destiny: The Taken King’s Hard mode version of the King’s Fall raid dropped this past Friday and has been pushing erstwhile fireteams everywhere with its mechanics. There have been some teams that cleared it remarkably easy, like Clan Forever LivE which achieved the world’s first completion within one hour and seventeen minutes.

However, players sc_Slayerage, Commandercuesta, Kircios and A Death Card managed an even crazier feat – they conquered Oryx, the last fight in the raid, on Hard mode. Considering this is a raid meant for six players and many struggle to complete the fight even with a normal fireteam, that’s insane. Then again, considering the reputation of The Legend Himself clan and sc_Slayerage, it’s not at all unthinkable. Check out the titular run here.

King’s Fall Hard mode is an intriguing challenge for players. While the recommended Light level is from 300 to 320, there has been both criticism and praise for its overall mechanics. What are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments.

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