Destiny: This Exploit Will Help You To Keep Crota Down Forever

How to make quick work of Crota.

So, here’s an odd one for you. Similar to when someone says “delete system 32” to make your computer work better, this is the kind of thing that sounds exceptionally dumb. Except this actually works, don’t go deleting System 32. In Destiny, when confront Crota as part of a team, there has been a breakthrough in slaying technology. And by a breakthrough I mean someone happened across this fun little accident thanks to some janky netcode on Bungies part.

The way to make use of this cheat is simple. Play the game with your pals until you reach the Crota checkpoint, found after Deathsinger. Choose one member of your fireteam that will enter Crota’s End alone, effectively making them solo it, to make sure that they are hosting the game. Then have everyone else rejoin the fireteam and their elected leader. After this, begin the usual routine of murdering the enemies minions, paying special attention to the knights.

Now, have everyone focus their fire on Crota long enough to drop its shields, once it drops to its knee have your host (the elected leader) pull their Ethernet connection. If performed properly, a brief spike of lag will hit and then Crota will remain on his knees giving you all the time in the world to slap him silly. Enjoy your fun Guardians. For more check out the video guide below.

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