Destiny Weekly Reset: Blighted Chalice Nightfall, Heroic Strike Modifiers and More

Find out what Destiny's activities have in store this week.

The weekly reset has come and gone – as it does – for Bungie’s Destiny, bringing a new range of activities to play.

This week’s Nightfall is The Blighted Chalice with the modifiers Epic, Berserk (enemies don’t flinch), Small Arms (primary weapon damage increased), Chaff (no player radar) and Airborne (more damage dealt while in the air). The Heroic Strikes playlist now has its own random modifiers each week and this week’s include Arc Burn, Exposure (increased shields but far slower recharge rate) and Catapult (grenades recharge faster).

As for the Challenge of Elders, the modifiers include Catapult and Specialist (special weapon damage increased). The bonus this week is Grenade Kills, which works great with Catapult, and the bosses include Noru’usk, Servant of Oryx; the Overmind Minotaur; and the Wretched Knight.

For raiders, the King’s Fall Challenge Mode this week is Warpriest. You head here to learn about the new bounties from various vendors.

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