Destiny Weekly Reset: Cerberus Vae III With Small Arms, Solar Burn is Nightfall

Valus Ta'aurc is your target yet again.

The weekly reset has come and gone in Bungie’s Destiny and that means the end of the Sparrow Racing League and a new Nightfall. And by “new” strike we mean that same one you’ve played several dozens of times over.

This week’s Nightfall is Cerberus Vae III and it includes modifiers like Epic (more aggressive enemies with heavier shields), Solar Burn (Solar damage from any source is greatly increased), Small Arms (Primary weapon damage is increased), Juggler (equipped weapon doesn’t drop ammo) and Grounded (more damage received while in the air).

This week’s reset also brings new weekly bounties from Petra Venj, Arcite 99-40 and Lord Shaxx. You can check them all out here for more information. Today’s Iron Banner will also be returning and it should be out at 10 AM PST. Will you be taking part? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more information in the coming hours.

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