Destiny Weekly Reset: Darkblade Nightfall, Warpriest Challenge and More

New activities abound in this week's reset.

Destiny’s weekly reset has come and gone and though Bungie may still be on its extended vacation (expect the next major Weekly Update on January 21st), there’s still plenty to do. Well, re-do but you know what we mean.

This week’s Nightfall is The Sunless Cell aka the battle with Darkblade. Modifiers this week include Grounded (take more damage while in the air), Match Game (enemies only take elemental damage corresponding to their shields), Fresh Troops (more enemies in some squads), Exposure (increased shield capacity but very slow recharge rate) and Epic (enemies are heavily shielded and more aggressive).

The Warpriest Challenge is also live in the King’s Fall raid. Try it out in Normal and you’ll be guaranteed 310 Light Secondary weapons and Artifacts. Heroic mode yields guaranteed 320 Light Secondaries and Artifacts. The only strategy you really need is to have a separate gaze-holder for each round.

You can check out this week’s bounties from Lord Shaxx, Petra Venj and more here.

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