Destiny Weekly Reset: Nightfall is Dust Palace With Small Arms and Grounded

This week's Nightfall is slightly challenging.

Destiny’s weekly reset is over, which means some new weekly activities. Actually, in Year Two, it just means a new Nightfall. Those who take part in the Vanguard Heroic Playlist will be rewarded with 10 Legendary Marks for each strike (with 30 Marks being the cap) and a Legendary Engram for each character.

The Dust Palace is this week’s Nightfall and it comes with an interesting set of modifiers along with Epic. These include Berserk where enemies don’t flinch even after high damage; Small Arms, which increases the damage of primary weapons; Grounded which increases the damage you sustain in the air; and Chaff which disables the player radar. Just remember – don’t attempt the Nightfall until the patch drops at 10 AM PST to get better rewards.

If you’re curious about the weekly bounties for Petra, Lord Shaxx and Arcite 99-40, then head here. What are your thoughts on this week’s Nightfall? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned for more information, including the upcoming patch.

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