Destiny Weekly Reset: Sunless Cell Nightfall, Warpriest Challenge

Yes, people still play this game.

It’s that time of the week again when Destiny’s servers undergo a weekly reset, thus bringing new activities and challenges for players. Of course, at this point, it’s the same stuff you’ve been doing for months on end now.

Regardless, the Nightfall this week is The Sunless Cell with Alak-Hul the Darkblade as a boss. Modifiers include Berserk, Chaff, Small Arms and Airborne. Perks like Angel of Light and Empyrean Bellicose will come in handy since they let you hover in mid-air for a short time, thus allowing for precise aiming with Small Arms and dealing additional damage via Airborne. Make sure to watch each other’s back though – the Darkblade without a radar is no small foe.

The Challenge mode for this week is Warpriest with the objective being to have a separate Aura holder for each run. This means the same person can’t hold the Aura of the Initiate throughout. It’s not a tough challenge by any means and nets you 310 Light level loot on Normal and 320 Light level loot on Hard mode.

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